I generally love tricks produced by Sugawara, and this one is as fascinating as most of his illusions. A lot of thought and work went into producing this special gimmicked deck, BUT, ending this illusion is not very tidy, and the demonstration video skips over some important points covered in the instruction sheet you receive. To perform properly you have to be able to do a slip force, something that is not covered in the instructions. (It is easy to do and to find on the internet though!) Another thing, he put a lot of time and thought into this illusion, yet he only included ONE joker that you have to 'get rid of' as part of the illusion. All normal decks come with TWO. Why he did not include the second joker I am not sure, but having it would have made things look more normal. Lastly, the thing that concerned me most, was finishing the illusion. After passing a card through the deck you are instructed to just put the two cards you removed earlier back on either side of the deck and you are done! It just did not seem all that clean and normal to me!! Maybe you can figure out a slicker way to wrap things up, but if Sugawara couldn't I doubt anyone can!! If you collect his illusions this is definitely worth buying. If you do not, well, it is not one of his best.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |