Croma comes with 2 of each color total of 20 gimmicks.
I bought this because I didn’t know how the crayons were being produced. And was hoping the gimmick would allow me to produce other items such as candies.
Each crayon is a gimmick, and because of this, I will not be able to use this for producing other items such as candies. This gimmick is only used to produce crayons.
It was recommended to only produce a maximum of 7 crayons one at a time.
The production of these crayons will take a little bit of practice, but can be done. If you are older Make sure your hands are well moisturized to grip.
I like the first version of color changing crayon, it seems easy to execute.
The second is a snap color changing and too difficult for me to hide.
The transpositions look easy to execute.
You need to be aware of your angles when performing this trick. More thought and work on angles if you’re performing standing up at a birthday party in the living room while the kids are sitting on the floor or on chairs.
I think this trick is good for camera because it is a straight on view.
The video instructions look like it is well produced. except for the light shining in your face. The instructions are given in Spanish, however there are subtitles in English. Run time 34mins.
I think this trick would be good for social media. But for me, I don’t think I could do this in a B-day party performance.
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |