I thought Kovari was the original Pom Pom stick. However, a few months ago, I was reading in a vintage magic catalog and discovered that this trick goes way back before Kovari! At least the 1930s.
Anyway, this versions is great. I saw Doug Henning perform this when his show was in town back in the early-mid 1980s. It was definitely the Kovari version. Shortly thereafter, I was at Abbott's and Hank Morehouse showed it to me, and it was an instant sale!
I have used it in well over 1,000 shows as part of my "first string" performance (I use the Chinese Sticks for repeat shows, which is a comparable effect). After several hundred shows, it has held up well. However, the string gets a little tangled which can cause a jam. Yet, if I carefully "disengage" everything right before the show, and let gravity straighten things out [I don't want to give away too much here], it works fine. I got a new one since and haven't used it yet because my old one still works (and looks) great after 30 years of use.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |