This is an excellent way of introducing a bill. The notepad can't be examined so using this as a singular event wouldn't be wise, using it as a prop however for introducing the bill is perfect. You remove the notepad from a pocket, you open it and draw a rough sketch of a bill, WHAMM instant bill change, you put the notepad away and continue your next routine with the bill. If you do this as a single piece. scrutiny would arise about the notepad and you wouldn't have an excuse for putting it away before someone insists on examining it. Pairing this notepad illusion with a bill change theme is the perfect fit, getting the thumb tip gimmick when you return the pad to your pocket. If you choose that route I'd recommend ending with a final vanish of the bill completely for a 3rd part. That routine would make an excellent 3-part mega money mystery! Tenyo should assemble that routine and call it 'M.M.M.' Oh, that's right, this is suppose to be a review of the 'Note A Bill'. Sorry about that, I'm a writer and get carried away.
The notepad is total Tenyo. I was very surprised and delighted when I first handled it because I'm a big Tenyo fan and the little extras and refinements they put into their props is wonderful in itself. This notepad is no exception.
This trick does require assembly. I was somewhat overwhelmed at first glance but managed to do it right. It took a little time to understand and assemble but it's a one time deal.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |