This is a great effect that is about as mystifying as it can get. You appear to pass objects through one another that are the SAME size: usually one object is smaller than the other when penetration magic is done. TENYO developed an ingenious method for accomplishing this feat, but be advised that it is delicate and has to be handled carefully. It is not mentioned it the printed instructions that come with it, but make sure that you do NOT do the magical penetration unless the yellow rods are IN the black shaped cross. The construction of the gimmick is quite ingenious, but because it involves thin plastic it is fragile: doing it outside the plastic "X" could cause problems. However, if handled as instructed it should last for as long as you need it to! It requires a little bit of special handling by keeping fingers and thumbs properly placed to prevent the spectator from seeing something they shouldn't, but if done properly they will have no idea how it was done. TENYO also tells you how to do the magic with a pencil, which to me, seems even more mind blowing. This is definitely a keeper!
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |