If I reviewed a trick by cost compared to what you get this would lose a star, but I don't. I review tricks by their effectiveness and build quality. Ultimate Shoelace by Mr. Maric and Taro is a very well produced gimmicked shoelace with some clever thinking behind it. The gimmick isn't new perse, it's been used in rope magic for decades. What's unique about Mr. Maric's shoelace has to do with logic and experience with laypeople and build quality modern processes are capable of.
The shoelace is well made and comes with an ungimmicked shoelace and safety pin. No instructions are provided explaining what the safety pin is for nor is mentioned any method for switching the gimmick shoestring for the ungimmicked one, that is left for you to figure out. A simple and standard method is during the act of putting the handkerchief away, switch the shoelaces and in afterthought bring it back into view and ask if they'd like to examine it further, handing the ungimmick one to they choose to, or alternately hand the ungimmicked one for deep examination and switch it when getting the handkerchief.
As I've touched on, the gimmicked shoelace is very well made and even the keenest eyes won't see the gimmick. There's no way I'd try and make one myself, personally I don't know how Taro does it. You can't see the spot no matter how close you look nor is it where you might think. There's no way a spectator will spot it, and it's not a magnet so they can tug on it and you can run your finger along it while taught showing it's softness. In all senses to them it's just a plain shoelace.
$50 is a lot to pay for a gimmicked shoelace regardless of how well it might be but at least it's a very well done prop and will serve me well in the future, i'm glad I've got it. I can't wait to mess with my magic buddies heads.
Expensive but high quality and with Maric's cleverness in presenting it, a great item to carry around for impromptu moments. It will certainly leave people baffled how it was possible, so for that 5-star and if you've got the funds highly recommended.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |