This new Tenyo piece is as fun to perform as it is to watch. It's very easy although not self-working, the secret is clever and makes the move requiring little thought. It's not a shell nor do the hands need to conceal anything. It's fully self-contained. Both of the bars (chocolate & white chocolate) are identical in methodology and can be used together or separately in various routines. The bars are made of a rugged material and that's a great thing. This means, unlike many Tenyo props, you can actually carry these around and perform on a moment's notice. Because of this and the cleverness of the chocolate bar(s) I can only recommend getting one while it's available. 'Chocolate Break', in my opinion, gets the 1st place award in the Tenyo - 2019 lineup and I can see becoming unavailable in the near future.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |