Finally, all 3 ropes of “Linking Rope”, -the most famous and a masterpiece of Rope Magic-, is available with shoelace size. In addition, all 3 ropes are completely examinable!
The new gimmick allows you to perform more practical and you can minimize the secret move ultimately. The spectator will enjoy “REAL” magic right in front of their eyes…
“Features of Linking Shoelaces”.
#1. New & Practical handling allows you to link/unlink the shoelaces momentarily.
#2. Lean Handling allows the spectator to experience more dramatical and mystical moment.
#3. Shoelaces are examinable.
#4. Very well-made gimmick
#5. As a bonus handling, he explains another linking shoelaces routine with a ring!
#6. Made with fluorescent colored shoelaces. They make the shoelaces more stand out.
There are 2 different color patterns A(Red, Blue, White) or B(Red, Blue, Yellow). Please choose your preferred one. The ropes are fluorescent colors, as shown in pictures.

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