The Magician shows 4 wooden discs which he calls ‘Jumping Jacks’.
After laying them out in a row and covering them with two ordinary playing cards they magically jump from one position to another and back again!
The 'Jacks' are turned from Cocobolo Wood or similar, which is strong and robust, as well as beautiful to handle with an excellent natural finish that is not deminished with constant use.
This is a great little 'pocket trick' that can be performed in most situations to great effect!
(Message from Colin Rose)
“I have always admired the great Fred Kaps, not just for his easy gentle performing style, but for his unique & original approach to all things magical...
’Chink a Chink’ is synonymous with this great Dutch Magician ; he used corks and a skilful performance that was so magical...
So I have created a self-working variation of this trick using magnetic cards. I have used Hard Woods to turn the ‘Jacks’ & the Shell, this being a signature of my work, but also it is an unusual ‘take’ on this classic effect which is normally made from metal or plastic.
As with most performance routines, this one is no different in that it demands a good story to move it along, I had a great deal of fun performing this for my Daughter recently, and because of her re-action
I have now added it to my collection...hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
” This is my version of a self -working Chink a Chink.
The color of the cards are RED.
Sorry, this item has been sold out and discontinued.