Your money won't stop growing!
The magician drops a coin inside of an empty tube.
When he shakes the tube, two coins slide out! He repeats this with a different coin and - sure enough - that coin is duplicated too.
Next, the magician drops two coins into the tube, and slides out four coins. Both of them have multiplied!
Amazingly, the four coins then turn into eight!
Who wouldn't be delighted to watch their money magically grow?
At the end, you will be able to produce a huge pile of coins from the tube.
It's like hitting the jackpot!
Please prodive your own coins.

- Brand-NEW in sealed Japanese package, with English instructions.
- The package is brand new, which is completely sealed, never opened. However, because this item was originally released from TENYO in 2002, you may see some aging and minor scratch, etc... ONLY on the package. (The product itself is brand-new). Please understand and accept it to purchase.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and sold out.