Instantaneously, a card appears in the magician’s hand from thin air.
The card is then dropped from the magician’s hand with obvious motion, however….in the blink of an eye, the next card appears in magician’s hand…. and the cycle continues as a bunch cards appear as if bubbling one after another from the thin air.
In the past, this “Sleight of Hand” effect required a long time and repetition to master; however, with the special gimmick and cards provided, it becomes a more accessible technique in less time.
The cards provided are super-thin; they’re almost half the thickness of other ordinary cards when stacked.
This allows you to produce an amazing and surprising number of cards from thin air.
The card backs are colorfully designed, so it’s a very good opportunity to perform “Fan Card Routine”.
Comes with the special gimmick and super-thin deck of cards.
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and sold out.