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Two bananas are supplied, each approximately 5.5 inches long.
They are able to be hidden in your hand very easily using the technique described in the instructions.
Bananas are very life-like, hand-painted in various tones of color so you could use them even in "close-up” magic routines.
With these bananas you can perform the classic routine of endless bananas, in which you show a banana, put it in a paper bag, hat, briefcase or in your pocket, and magically appears another banana in the other hand, so you take it, and put it in the same place as the other, and immediately another banana appears in your free hand.
You can repeat the sequence as many times as you want. You could also make appearances or disappearances from unexpected places creating magical and funny situations at the same time, to please both children and grownups.
For children it is a well known element and colorful at the same time, which captivates the attention immediately.
For grownups, implications of a "banana" fruit, guarantees several laughs.
Two bananas are supplied, a paper bag and instructions with 8 full color step by step manipulation photographs, describing the method used for the multiplication of bananas.
You get everything you need in order to begin practicing this routine that will give you complete satisfaction.
You will surely want to add this to your repertoire.

"Excellent products for the professional magician. They are more realistic than foam or sponge products, and can be used inches away from the spectator" -- Fantasio
"MAGICLATEX makes some of the best and most realistic looking props in the world of magic. I've used some of their products in my performances at The Magic Castle and NOBODY suspected a thing!" ---Daryl - The Magician's Magician
"MAGICLATEX makes some really wonderful latex products. I was very impressed. You will be too." -- Kevin James
"MAGICLATEX is simply the best ! “ ---Hans Klok