Have spectator choose one card and memorize it. The card is now returned, and the spectator shuffles the deck of cards as many times as he/she wants.
The deck of cards are now returned to the deck case, and the magician makes a magical gesture.
WOW, one card is rising up like a ghost from the deck case…
However, when they check the card, it is NOT the chosen card… Oh, no! It’s a big failure, right?
But the magician remains calm, nothing to worry about it…
When he retrieves the (wrong) card out of the deck case, another card appears out of the case. It is a long card, in fact even longer than the case, and this is the card that finally matches the chosen card!
・As you can see the video and picture, the card is 1.5 times longer than a regular card.
・It is NOT made of paper, so therefore it will last long time.
(Comment by GINJIRO)
"The reason why I made this card is because I wasn’t satisfied with the regular long card we have seen before.
The original long card was too long to be appeared from a card-sized envelope or regular deck case.
The long card was just retrieved out of the pocket of the jacket, that’s it.
My idea was to have the long card appear from the card-sized envelope or deck case.
This is it. It’s not too long, so you can palm and hide the extended part with your hand.”
Please choose your preferred color of the long card.

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