Each Prestige product is hand-made by Mr. Mikame himself with only the very best materials.
A limited supply of the Prestige Collection is manufactured every 3 months. Small production runs allow these Prestige Collection items to be the highest quality in magic today.
The SIX-FOOT Square Multi-Color Flag is made in 100% pure Japanese Silk and is seldom seen outside Japanese borders.
The Flagstaff Pole extends out to 7 FEET and retracts to a compact size that you can produce from your case or jacket!
The Pole itself is made in sturdy metal and anodized jet black
Quick and Smooth Production Magic at its Finest!
At the end of your performance produce a GIANT Flag for the finale!
No need to worry about the silk snagging, the Silk is attached to brass rings on the Flagstaff.
Just fold the Giant Silk in a zigzag, then in two, and then fold it in four.
That's it for a SIX-FOOT Production!
The flag size --- 5.906 ft x 5.906 ft (180cm x 180cm)
