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This is a visual masterpiece from Ton Onosaka, guaranteed to get an enthusiastic reaction from any audience!
The magician displays a large hexagonal panel, which shows a perspective drawing of a die, white with black spots.
He passes this behind his back, and when it emerges the color has now changed to yellow.
Of course, the audience is not impressed, because it seems obvious that he simply turned the panel over. After some by-play, the magician turns the panel around, and it is yellow on both sides.
But wait! When the performer turns the panel over again, the other side is now red. He turns it over once more, and the other side is now green.
The performer offers to take things yet one step further: He'll make the die become any color that the audience names.
Thus encouraged, the spectators yell out various colors. The magician is able to produce a satisfying surprise ending, for when the die is turned over it is now striped with a virtual rainbow of colors!

Comes with Specail Well-made dice and detailed English Instructions.