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Magician displays both sides of the tube.
He places a white silk into the tube and blow on one end of tube… White silk changes into Red.
Then, place red silk into the tube and blow on one end…. Red Silk changes into 4 different colored tied silks. (Red, Yellow, Green and Purple).
Again, place these tied silks into the tube and blow from one end... Now tied silks are magically changed into a beautiful multi-colored silk.
With other silk tubes (dye tube), they allow you to change the silk ONLY ONE TIME….
However, with this enhanced & Improved silk tube, you may change the silk(s) 3 TIMES!!!
NO need palm or steal….. All you have to do is to tuck the silk into the tube and blow!!
Complete Set includes a gimmicked tube and completed silk Set used in demo video.
(2 of 18” silks (red & white), 4 of 9” silks (red, green, yellow, and purple), and 18” (45cm) multi-colored silk.
You may purchase only silk tube.
(The routine shown in demo video is one of ideas to enjoy this special tube. Other silk changes with other colored silks are possible!)

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