(This video shown used with Samurai sword version. You will receive the one with Knights Templar, as shown in picture below.)
Sell-Out at all four major conventions !! WORLD MAGIC SUMMIT, I.B.M., S.A.M., F.I.S.M.
The mystery of the Orient and the intrigue of a wedding ring combine to produce a delicate, dazzling effect.
Inviting the spectators to examine the silken bag, the performer covers the sword with it. A borrowed ring, proffered by a willing spectator, vanishes. "Concentrate", says the performer, "Choose the moment. Make it happen on your command. Say 'Now'."
Then as the spectator says 'Now', the unmistakable ping of metal on metal is heard. The ring has arrived.
Immediately, the performer pulls the bag from the sword, and there, resting on the sword, which is itself locked in the holder, is the ring!
There is no way to describe the effect this has on an audience. It is pure magic, spell-binding and entertaining. The props are first rate; the effect, simple in execution. If you've never seen this live, you're in for a treat, and so is your audience. I can honestly say, this effect is worth twice the asking price. A guaranteed winner.
Prop measures: 12 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H x 4" D; brass rods are 10 1/2" tall. Overall measurement is 12 1/2" x 4" x 12".
