Have you ever seen what King of Hearts is doing on his back...???
"Have you ever taken a good look at the king of hearts? He's sometimes referred to as the "suicide king," because he appears to be stabbing himself in the head with a sword. (Actually, two heads and two swords.)
However, on closer examination you can see that the swords are actually positioned behind the king. That will be significant in just a moment."
The performer begins an offbeat trick. The king of hearts is set aside, and a spectator selects two cards from the balance of the pack. There's a big surprise when the king is turned over: Instead of the normal card back that was there before, now there's a view of the king from behind--- and it's seen that the swords are skewering two miniature cards: the selections!!
We are sure you will come up with many other uses for these unusual cards!!
<Special Gift>
While Supplies last, extra Kings of Diamonds, with similar gag backs, will be included as a special gift!! (cards may vary.)
