Another winner from Mikame...This beautifully decorative Genii Tube is a perfect partnership of form, function and beauty.
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Magician produces a box and opens a latch in the middle to show the box is complete empty.
He then closes the box and tips it toward the audience to once again, confirm that it is empty.
With some magical gestures the magician then reaches into the empty box and produces several silks.
The box is then opened again...and again shown to be empty...then it? closed and the magician amazingly is able to produce exceptional long silks, over and over.
Easy to perform and packs a strong visual impact.
・Dimension Approximately 5 1/2" x 10 3/4" x 3 1/2"(13.9cm x 27.3cm x 8.8cm)
・Black felt lines the inside of the box and its application is exact.
・A secured metal latch allow for easy opening and secured locked closing when shut.