Is it magic or the power of darkness?
A crystal box stands on the Dragon Altar.
The magician places a coin on top of the solid lid of the box, and then places a solid ball on top of the coin.
He covers the box with an empty tube.
Under cover of the dark, the ball amazingly penetrates both the coin and the lid and ends up inside the crystal box.
The box, lid, coin, and ball are ungimmicked. The tube is really empty.
There are no extra boxes, lids, coins or balls. And yet, with no sleight of hand, the magic happens.
Dragon Altar is fabulous magic trick that is very easy to perform yet totally baffling.
- Brand-NEW in sealed Japanese package, with English instructions.
- The package is brand new, which is completely sealed, never opened. However, because this item was originally released from TENYO in 1991, you may see some aging and minor scratch, etc... ONLY on the package. (The product itself is brand-new). Please understand and accept it to purchase.
For your convenience, SEO MAGIC will provide 5 yen coin that used in demo video. You can enjoy this magic immediately!!
Sorry, this item has been discontinued and sold out.