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Are you looking for a card prediction, strong and super easy to perform? Well, you might have just found it!!!
Write a prediction on a Post-it, and stick it on the back of the card box.
Take the deck out of the box, cut the deck in half, and spread the deck face up on the table.
The spectator will pick ANY card in front of him. Replace the deck back in the box.
Reveal the prediction you made earlier on the Post-it: it is the selected card.
- No sleight of hand at all, this is almost self-working,
- Choice is absolutely free. No force of any kind,
- Can be repeated as many times as you want,
- Extremely easy to perform, no funny moves,
- Very strong impact, highly recommended.
- Comes complete with a gimmick in Bicycle 808 and a DVD that explains how to perform the effect.