Even after you show that both hands are empty, make a shot glass filled with liquid appear at any moment.
The gimmick is well-designed and elaborately created; it brings safety, reliability, and ease of handling.
Higar explains three different routines: “From Sleeve,” “From Paper Bag,” and “Another Shot.”
(From Sleeve)
Make a shot glass filled with liquid appear!
This miraculous moment can be added at any point in your show routine.
(from Paper Bag)
The magician unfolds the flat paper bag, catches something from thin air, and throws it into the empty bag. Now, the shot glass filled with liquid magically appears from the bag. Nothing is left inside.
(Another Shot)
Magician hands out the empty shot glass to the spectator for their examination.
Now the glass is returned to the magician.. While the magician is wiping the glass, the glass is magically being filled with liquid.
**The effect of an empty glass magically filling with liquid in the blink of an eye is definitely more mysterious than just appearing of the glass already filled with liquid. It is also obviously more impossible.**
You will receive a special gimmick, a holder (you might use this holder depending on your clothing), and two shot glasses.
