Mystical sticks allow you to read the minds of others!
Your spectator holds three sticks, each of which contains eight random designs. After turning your back, you instruct the spectator to select any one of those designs, and to stare at it intently in order to lock it into his mind.
The spectator mixes the three sticks so that there is no chance that anyone can discover which design he has chosen.
However, by simply passing your hand over the sticks, you can immediately reveal the mentally-selected design!
Design divinations are a popular form of mentalism, and this prop enables you to read minds with ease. You can further increase the mystery by offering a fortune-telling twist as you reveal the thought -of design.
The method in which you learn the spectator's thought is easy, yet completely baffling.
It is based on a brand new, very subtle and clever system that you can learn right away.
Comes with 3 Sticks (Red, Blue, and Yellow) and Storage Case.

- Brand-NEW in sealed Japanese package, with English instructions.
- The package is brand new, never opened. However, because this item was originally released from TENYO in 2006, you may see some aging and minor scratch, etc... ONLY on the package. (The product itself is brand-new). Please understand and accept it to purchase.
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