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20 years ago Losander created a special effect "The Floating Table". It is the best Floating Table you have ever seen. A solid Table, which is used during the show to hold your props, begins to rise, starts floating and even a volunteer can examine the Table while it floats.
The usual statement Losander get's after showing this amazing Table in front of Magicians is...,"That's the best levitation effect I've ever seen!" Magicians like Jeff McBride, Eugen Burger, Lance Burton, Salvano, Moretti, Marco Tempest, Chuck Jones...have bought the original from Dirk Losander. All these people know how much effort and time it takes to create such a beautiful and amazing effect, and they all have one thing in common... They do not support copies in this business.
Losander would appreciate if you, as a Magician of honor and integrity would do the same. How do you know what is an original. There are only a few dealers in the USA who are selling the Losander Table. And of course if it doesn't say Losander's Floating Table, than it's a copy!
It is a perfect levitation effect. It can be performed under ANY conditions, even surrounded. Imagine a solid table which mysteriously begins to rise from the floor and then suddenly takes off ! This table floats all over the place.
Losander is the inventor of the Losander's Floating Table. He created this illusion with inspiration of Tommy Wonder's work and is approved by the Tommy Wonder estate!
